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Associated Yacht Clubs
GIYC Labor Day Race for AYC BOTY 2013

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12 Total Competitors
PHRFClass: A 0-99
25622VIPERRoger PollackGIYC/WSSC45
5558HellionRobert Colemanred white blueGIYC&FYC78
18RedTailPeter MansRedGrosse Ile Yacht Club81
25208SHENANIGANDick & Dan SynowiecWHITE, BLUE, GREENFord Yacht Club/West Shore Sail Club84
41582OH BABY!Todd DuffettWhite/blue/yellowGrosse Ile Yacht Club90
42211Racer XMatt DuboisBlu/WiteGrosse Ile Yacht Club111
PHRFClass: B 100-140
15193FeistyBrian Hartwellwhite w/ blue stripeGrosse Ile Yacht Club126
00027ZEPHYR HAWKRick and Kelly BohlWhiteGIYC129
PHRFClass: C 141-300
25459CamelotRon KonczalskiMultiGrosse Ile150
511Speed Racer Ellen DuboisBlue/WhiteGrosse Ile Yacht Club165
USA 106GauntletCary DiehlBlue/Yellow or Blue/WhiteFord Yacht Club171
15932FIREBRANDJoseph SosnowskiFYC174

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